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  • Writer's pictureNam Phong

Grinch I used to smile and then I drove the bus shirt

It’s not as if they’re driving through a built-up area or on a Grinch I used to smile and then I drove the bus shirt. She’s right there instructing and in control of the situation. I bet those kids loved it. Years ago no one would have batted an eyelid, in fact she may well have been applauded for doing something nice for the kids, but nowadays even a bit of fun leads to dismissal from her job and felony charges. Please stop the world I want to get off. It’s not like she left those children steer the wheel alone. Heck, the bus wasn’t even moving fast and they were on a country road. She should get one pass. After all, she’s already lost her career! Isn’t that punishment enough? Kind of cool actually. Another thing, how far did the kid actually drive? A few tens of meters? But journalistic hyperbole would have you believe otherwise.


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